I’m always interested in helping new creative ideas come to life with as less friciton as possible. Here are some of my selected works so far.
Branding, Coding & DeploymentProvided brand identity design services as well as website mockup, implementation and deployment for the new startup 17025lab.gr.
Design & CodingDot9 is a Germany based software agency and there I collaborated on two fullstack projects first one involving a web based driving school ERP system and second one a commercial app used by personal coaches around the world.
AED Locator CMS
Design, Coding & DeploymentI designed AED Locator's CMS and collaboratively developed with Alexandros Rigas, the second core developer of this project. The whole project's API and CMS is based on the LAMP stack.
AED Locator app
Design, CodingI also designed AED Locator's mobile app which is currently being collaboratively developed in react native also with Alexandros Rigas.
Rock Under The Clock
Design, Coding & DeploymentAs a member of Rock Under The Clock’s organizational committee, one of my many contributions to the festival is providing a website for publishing all the actions and news about the festival.